Friday, June 17, 2011

IBM. It's Better Manual. . . Sometmes.

Do you know how sometimes we try to think of a complicated solution for a simple problem.  The same goes for Logistics, Supply Chain or whatever you call it.

It is so easy to say lets Computerize or lets get the latest Material handling equipment available or better still, what is our competitor  using?  Let's get what they have.

But many times the solution is far simpler and much less expensive.  Take for example the need for the latest reach truck or forklift (upwards of P1.4 Million for the 3-stage Mast versions) to expedite the picking of stocks for delivery.  Have we considered:

1.  Doing an ABC classification of our stocks in laying them out in our warehouse floor?

        -  meaning, "A" goods (or SKUs) are stored nearest the Staging or Loading Area to minimize walking distance of the pickers, "B" would be the next row of pallets or racks further from the Loading Area while "C" stocks would mean stocks that are slower moving or  stocks that are Blocked piled and  issued for Bulk Orders that are not manually-picked but rather the use of forklifts are required to load huge tractor-trailers or container vans.

Minimize walking distances. Do ABC Analysis of SKUs  (courtesy of 3-b-s)
2.  For Distribution Centers or warehouses spreadout over a huge area, you might consider storing the goods according to product categories (canned, foil packs, snack, candies etc in groups of racks) and break-up the Picklist into product categories. The picklist for one category can be assigned to one picker so that his walking will be confined to adjacent racks or row of pallets while the other part of the picklist is given to another picker who will do the same.
Do you make it easy for them to pick your stocks? (courtesy of

3.  For companies that have the luxury of a Warehouse Management System (WMS), the software contains Picking Routines (Zone, wave etc) or you can customize it in such a way to minimize the walking distances of your pickers.

Study walking patterns of your pickers (courtesy of
4.  At the very least, study how your pickers go about their picking. Minimize doubling back and unproductive acitivities.

5.  Using forklifts without doing the above will not solve your problem.It may seem to speed-up things initially until your man says I need more!

By the way, I would like to invite you to visit my Sulit Homepage as there are some business opportunities that you guys might be able to help me out with.  If you are interested, just click the Sulit Logo below:

My Sulit Homepage

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